Guide to Building a Motivational Culture
We humans rarely do anything unless there is something in it for us. Where motivation is concerned generally, we are looking for the fundamentals of life to be available and then some more sophisticated needs to be satisfied. For a leader, a motivational environment results in higher performance, higher retention rates and more and bigger ideas to give you a competitive edge. It can also release you up to develop your own strengths and concentrate on the next big thing coming over the horizon.
In this guide we cover the different types of motivation, the key theories and some practical approaches to building a motivational culture.
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE NOWGuide to Difficult Conversations
Difficult conversations are something few of us look forward to. We might need to clear up a misunderstanding, manage upwards around our workload or deal with a sticky performance problem with one of our team. Get them right and they can take you forward, strengthen relationships and generate higher performance.
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE NOWGuide to Objective Setting
Nothing happens at work until we plan and good plans have goals and objectives. It is important to understand that there is a difference between goals and objectives.
The goal is where we want to be. The objectives are the steps needed to get there.
The definition of Negotiation is: “Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict.” Business Dictionary
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE NOWGuide to Conducting an Appraisal
What is Appraisal?
A review of performance and the contribution an individual has made looking at the whole job not just part of it.
The Appraisal forms part of an overall Performance Management Cycle playing two vital roles – the review of and planning of performance and development.
DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE NOWMaking Meetings Meaningful
Meetings are much like relationships. When they are going well everyone is attentive, energy levels are high and there is a desire to make it successful.
When they go wrong enthusiasm plummets, things get destructive and we start to ask ourselves if all the hassle is worth it.