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25 Years Part 2 – Looking Forward

On 4th November we were 25 years old.  How did that happen??  In some ways, it seems like a few months ago that we started our consultancy but when we think about it, a lot has happened in our little world of Learning and Development (admittedly not as much as has happened in the wider world even in the last…
Sharpstone Skinner
December 1, 2022

Human contact is underrated

We have noticed something interesting happening in the last few weeks. Human beings enjoy being in each other's company again despite the predictions of a remote workforce being the way to go during various lockdowns.
Sharpstone Skinner
April 21, 2022

Not a newsletter about trends for 2022

Happy new year!  We’re not making any predictions for 2022 – there are enough memes doing that for us.  A personal favourite is: “Before I agree to 2022, I need to see some Terms and Conditions.” We may not know what the next 12 months has in store for us but we know there will be change.  There always is.…
Sharpstone Skinner
January 5, 2022

You and I need to talk

Imagine you are in your regular team meeting; everything is going to plan then the usual thing happens. John starts moaning. Off he goes on some rant about how a decision made by ‘them up there’ is ridiculous, impractical and shows how rubbish ‘they’ are. Everyone starts looking anywhere but at him, and your meeting gets derailed yet again. You…
Sharpstone Skinner
July 30, 2019