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Collaboration – It Takes Two Flints to Make a Fire

It has been said that competition makes us faster but collaboration makes us better. Collaboration means everyone can contribute: you get to use all the experience in your team, not just some of it.  Not only does a collaborative culture enable you to ensure opportunities and risks are more transparent and manageable, it also makes work more enjoyable and satisfying.…
Sharpstone Skinner
May 25, 2022

Human contact is underrated

We have noticed something interesting happening in the last few weeks. Human beings enjoy being in each other's company again despite the predictions of a remote workforce being the way to go during various lockdowns.
Sharpstone Skinner
April 21, 2022

Stop talking location, start talking connection

The year is flying by, isn’t it?  Someone stole January, February disappeared in a cloud of smoke and next week will see the start of April. Organisations like yours are juggling a busy workload with all the fun and games of adapting to new ways of working, mainly where we all work post-pandemic. Hybrid working trials have taken place and now…
Sharpstone Skinner
March 23, 2022

I am 100% busy

As we emerge into 2022, bleary-eyed, hoping this will finally be the year of steady state (trying to avoid "new normal"), how are you feeling? Many of our clients’ report feeling weather-worn, buffeting by the effort of steering through Covid and all its storms and gales.
Sharpstone Skinner
February 16, 2022

Not a newsletter about trends for 2022

Happy new year!  We’re not making any predictions for 2022 – there are enough memes doing that for us.  A personal favourite is: “Before I agree to 2022, I need to see some Terms and Conditions.” We may not know what the next 12 months has in store for us but we know there will be change.  There always is.…
Sharpstone Skinner
January 5, 2022

Feedback Part 2: Getting as good as you give

Hello again. In part one of this article, we addressed feedback, our motives for giving it and how to ensure you examine your motive before you open your mouth. Now that is sorted, you can deliver the feedback in a way that is taken well. It is vital to know the go-zones and no-go zones of feedback.  Derek Biddle, occupational…
Sharpstone Skinner
November 10, 2021

Is the Fridge Still There?

How are your teams feeling about returning to the face-to-face universe? Some may have a spring in their step. But, on the other hand, some may be dragging their heels or worry about finding their work shoes and are considering arriving in their trusty slippers. (Warning – inappropriate footwear for the outer world). It is finally happening, that normality that…
Sharpstone Skinner
August 2, 2021